Ethical Coffee Matters
All Nirvana coffee is fair trade and organic as well as Kosher.
All of our fine whole bean coffees are certified organic, fair trade and kosher, and are roasted in small batches. We know that planting, care, harvesting and processing of the beans is done in conformity with international standards for the health of the farmer and his environment, as well as the high quality of the bean. The vast use of pesticides in the coffee production has serious impacts on the ecology of the coffee-growing world and the health of farm communities. Our commitment to only purchase shade grown coffees supports healthy environments for coffee growers and protects critical migratory bird habitat. It is important to us that the quality of our coffees includes respect for the quality of life of our southern partners in the coffee world, and their communities.
The next time you reach for a cup of Nirvana coffee or buy a pound of our specialty beans, remember you are encouraging and supporting this aspect of building a better world.

Press to see more info

Yirgacheffe and Sidamo, Ethiopia
Roast Level: Dark
Region: Amazonian
Highlands, Peru
Roast Level: Medium/Dark
Honduras, India, Guatamala, Nicaragua
Roast Level: Dark
Nicaragua, Sumatra
Roast Level: Medium/Dark
Nicaragua, Honduras , Peru
Roast Level: Medium
Takengon, Sumatra
Roast Level: Medium/ Dark
Amizonian Highlands, Peru
Roast Level: Medium/dark